Community Ecology, pt. 1

Principles of Ecology Week 5

Photo of Roseate Spoonbill by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Structured discussion about semester project

  • Groups of 3 people each, discussion for ~20 minutes.

  • Nominate a facilitator, a recorder, and a reporter

  • Each person to discuss:

    • What idea(s) did you have going into this project?

    • From your literature search, do you feel that your idea was too narrow/broad/just-right/other?

    • Among the primary literature (peer-reviewed articles in formal scientific journals), is there a good mix of “basic” ecology and “applied” environmental/social science?

    • What are some ways to connect material from class to your semester project?

    • What was one paper/idea/resource that surprised you from your search?

    • What are your next steps for (a) selecting a focal community from your options or (b) getting more information on the community you have selected?

Video of a Veery by Dan O’Brien on Macaulay Library

Whole-class discussion

  • The reporter should be prepared to share:

    • For each group member, what ecological community is (currently) the top candidate as the focus of the semester project?

    • For 1-2 group members, what are some challenges that you discussed that might make progress on this community difficult?

Principles of Ecology
Commuity ecology introduction/overview

“The organism as the subject and object of evolution”

  • Organisms are both the consumers and the producers of the resources necessary to their own continued existence.

White pine trees in New England make such a dense shade that their own seedlings cannot grow up under them, so hardwoods come in and take their place.

On the other hand, organisms may make an environment more hospitable to themselves.

Grazing animals actually increase the rate of production of forage, both by fertilizing the ground with their droppings, and by stimulating plant growth by cropping.

Beavers create ponds by felling trees and building dams; indeed, a significant part of the landscape in northeastern United States has been created by beavers.

The takeaway is that the activity of any organism changes the environment in which it lives.

  • The movement of an earthworm through soil aerates the soil
  • The transpiration of a tree cools the atmosphere
  • An organism may add or subtract resources that are available to other organisms
  • In some cases, an individual will actually enter into the lives of other organisms

This can in turn shape the dynamics of other species.

Community ecology

  • The study of how interactions between species shape ecological communities
  • Vast subject, given the wide variety of interactions that can unfold in nature

Photo of the Everglades Basin from Getty Images

Brainstorm a list of ways in which species might interact with one another in this setting

Direct and Indirect interactions

For an hourlong documentary about hummingbirds

Direct and Indirect interactions

Direct and Indirect interactions

Direct and Indirect interactions

Conceptual model of a pollination network from MacGregor et al. (2023), Ecological Entomology

Direct and Indirect interactions

Conceptual model of a plankton network in temperate from Merz et al. (2023), Nature Climate Change

Approaches to community ecology

  • Reductionism
    • Study a complex system by breaking it down into component interactions

e.g. In a forest that houses hundreds of tree species, how do two interact with each other?

Approaches to community ecology

  • Reductionism
    • Study a complex system by breaking it down into component interactions
    • e.g. In a forest that houses hundreds of tree species, how do two interact with each other?
  • Where else do biologists take a reductionist approach?

Approaches to community ecology

  • Holism
    • Historically, some ecologists have favored a view of communities as “superorgansims”
    • “Emergent properties” that are only evident when we study complex, messy networks
  • Where else do biologists take a holistic approach?

Approaches to community ecology

In this class, we will explore both approaches…

  • Reductionist approaches, e.g.
    • Under what conditions can a pair of species that competes with one another for the same resources coexist?
    • How do predator–prey interactions shape population dynamics?
  • Holistic approaches, e.g. 
    • How do disturbances (re)shape the structure of ecological communities?
    • Under what conditions do interactions between species change from competitive to mutualistic?

Approaches to community ecology

Ecological communities as composites of pairwise interactions

  • What are the ways in which two species can interact?

Nature of species interactions

Sp 1 effect
on Sp 2
Sp 2 effect
on Sp 1
Benefit (+) Benefit (+)
Harm () Harm ()
Benefit (+) Harm ()

Nature of species interactions

Sp 1 effect
on Sp 2
Sp 2 effect
on Sp 1
Benefit (+) Benefit (+) Mutualism
Harm () Harm () Competition
Benefit (+) Harm () Predation

Nature of species interactions

Sp 1 effect
on Sp 2
Sp 2 effect
on Sp 1
Benefit (+) Benefit (+) Mutualism
Harm () Harm () Competition
Benefit (+) Harm () Predation

Nature of species interactions

Sp 1 effect
on Sp 2
Sp 2 effect
on Sp 1
Benefit (+) Benefit (+) Mutualism
Harm () Harm () Competition
Benefit (+) Harm () Predation
Neutral (0) Benefit (+) Commensalism
Neutral (0) Harm () Ammensalism

To further complicate matters, the same pair of species can have different interactions under different conditions

Nature of species interactions

Biological examples of mutualisms

Other examples?

Nature of species interactions

Biological examples of competition

Nature of species interactions

Competition can also be less overt – “apparent” competition

Predation, herbivory, and parasitism

Unifying theme: one species benefits at the cost of the other . . .


One species benefits; the other is unaffected

e.g. Remora hitching a ride with a sea turtle

Community ecology
How competitive interactions shape biodiversity

Sp 1 effect
on Sp 2
Sp 2 effect
on Sp 1
Benefit (+) Benefit (+) Mutualism
Harm () Harm () Competition
Benefit (+) Harm () Predation
Neutral (0) Benefit (+) Commensalism
Neutral (0) Harm () Ammensalism


Why are we starting with this?

  • Common process within and between species
    • Basis for natural selection
  • Conceptually simple - can focus within a guild
    • Guilds can be roughly defined as groups of organisms that rely on overlapping resources and environmental conditions, e.g. herbacious plants; raptors (birds of prey), etc.
  • Long history of study in ecology


Key question: What effects can competition have on biodiversity patterns?

Relatively low species richness

Relatively high species richness, especially of native flowering plants

Given that species compete for shared resources, why do we observe more coexistence here…

… but less here?

Key question: What effects can competition have on biodiversity patterns?


Did we study any form of competition in the Population Ecology unit?

Competition is simply the reduction in fitness with higher densities of individuals

Intra-specific competition

We learned about logistic growth as

\[\frac{dN}{dT} = rN\bigg(1-\frac{N}{K}\bigg)\]

But we can readily express it as \[\frac{dN}{dt} = rN(1-\alpha N)\]

where \(\alpha\) is \(\frac{1}{K}\)

When two species compete, the growth rate is also affected by the presence of a second (competing) species. How to account for this?

Incorporating Inter-specific competition

Given that intraspecific competition is modeled as

\[\frac{dN}{dt} = rN(1-\alpha N)\]

How to can extend this model to incorporate interspecific effects?

First, we need to account for the fact that there are two species: \(N_1\) and \(N_2\).

That means we have a system of equations: \(\frac{dN_1}{dt}\) and \(\frac{dN_2}{dt}\)

If species 1 is growing alone, its equation is:

\[\frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\alpha_{11} N_1)\]

Incorporating Inter-specific competition

If species 1 is growing alone, its equation is:

\[\frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\alpha_{11} N_1)\]

If species 2 is growing alone, its equation is:

\[\frac{dN_2}{dt} = r_2N_2(1-\alpha_{22} N_2)\]

Incorporating Inter-specific competition

\[\frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\alpha_{11} N_1) ~~~\text{ and} ~~~~ \frac{dN_2}{dt} = r_2N_2(1-\alpha_{22} N_2)\]

We can modify these to add the effects of the other species:

\[\frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\alpha_{11}N_1 - \alpha_{12}N_2)\]

\(\alpha_{11}\) is the competitive effect of species 1 on itself, \(\alpha_{12}\) is the competitive effect of species 2 on species 1, and \(N_i\) is the density of species \(i\)

Incorporating Inter-specific competition

\[\frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\alpha_{11}N_1 - \alpha_{12}N_2)\]

\[\frac{dN_2}{dt} = r_2N_2(1-\alpha_{21}N_1 - \alpha_{22}N_2)\]

How fast a population grows depends on

  • intrinsic growth rate (\(r_i\)),
  • the size of the population (\(N_i\)),
  • the strength of intra-specific competition (\(\alpha_{ii}\)),
  • the abundance of competitors (\(N_j\)),
  • and the strength of interspecific competition (\(\alpha_{ij}\))

Getting familiar with the models

Consider what happens when a species is growing alone:

\[\frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\alpha_{11}N_1 - \alpha_{12}N_2)\]

Collapses down to logistic growth

\[\frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\alpha_{11}N_1)\]

Getting familiar with the models

\[\frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\alpha_{11}N_1 - \alpha_{12}N_2)\]

\[\frac{dN_2}{dt} = r_2N_2(1-\alpha_{21}N_1 - \alpha_{22}N_2)\]

What determines the strength of competition?

The size of \(\alpha\) reflects “how competitive” interactions are:

  • Strong competition (high \(\alpha\)) happens when each additional individual of a species strongly reduces fitness of other individuals

  • In other words, \(\alpha_{12}\) are determined the degree to which an individual of species \(2\) changes the environment in a way that suppresses individuals of species \(1\)

What makes intra-specific competition different from inter-specific competition?

Why are \(\alpha_{ii}\) and \(\alpha_{ij}\) different from one another?

  • When the species have highly overlapping niches, intra-specific and inter-specific \(\alpha\)s are very similar: \(\alpha_{ii} \approx \alpha_{ij}\)

  • When two species have highly distinct niches, intra-specific competition is very low: \(\alpha_{ij} \approx 0\)

What are the equlibrium conditions of the model?

\[\frac{dN_1}{dt} = r_1N_1(1-\alpha_{11}N_1 - \alpha_{12}N_2)\]

\[\frac{dN_2}{dt} = r_2N_2(1-\alpha_{21}N_1 - \alpha_{22}N_2)\]

  • Have to solve this as a system of equations