Coexistence in competitive communities
Reflections 1 and 2 graded in Moodle
Activity 1 grades are available in Moodle
- If you would like to earn back points, you can complete a second version of the activity (to be uploaded)
Third biweekly activity is on Moodle; deadline extended to next Tuesday (15 Oct)
Interspecific competition
Lotka-Volterra competition equations:
Possible outcomes of two species competing:
- Both species can have stable coexistence
- Species 1 can win, and exclude Species 2
- Species 2 can win, and exclude Species 1
- “It depends” – whichever species comes first, wins in competition.
How to distinguish between the possible options?
Species 1’s equilibrium analysis:
- dN1dt=0 at two extreme conditions:
- Species 1 is at its carrying capacity, and Species 2 is absent (N1=1/α11, N2=0)
- Species 2 is very abundant, and Species 1 is nearly absent (N1=0, N2=1/α12)
- dN2dt=0 at two extreme conditions:
- Species 2 is at its carrying capacity, and Species 1 is absent (N1=0, N2=1/α22)
- Species 1 is very abundant, and Species 2 is nearly absent (N1=1/α21, N2=0)
Visualizing the equilibrium points
Species 1’s equilibrium analysis:
- Species 1 is at its carrying capacity, and Species 2 is absent (N1=1/α11, N2=0)
- Species 2 is very abundant, and Species 1 is nearly absent (N1=0, N2=1/α12)
Visualizing the equilibrium points
Species 2’s equilibrium analysis:
Species 2 is at its carrying capacity, and Species 1 is absent (N1=0, N2=1/α22)
Species 1 is very abundant, and Species 2 is nearly absent (N1=1/α21, N2=0)
Jointly visualizing both species’ isoclines
Putting numbers to the variables
Consider the following interaction coefficients:
α11=0.005; α12=0.002; α22=0.007; α21=0.002
1/α11=200; 1/α12=500; 1/α22=142; 1/α21=500
Coexistence in competitive communities
Putting numbers to the variables
Consider the following interaction coefficients:
α11=0.005; α12=0.002; α22=0.01; α21=0.007
1/α11=200; 1/α12=500; 1/α22=100; α21=0.007=142
Recall that the equilibrium points for the two species are:
- Species 1: (N1=1/α11, N2=0) and (N1=0, N2=1/α12)
- Species 2: (N1=0, N2=1/α22) and (N1=1/α21, N2=0)
Your turn
- Draw the isoclines for a pair of species whose interaction coefficients are as follows:
α11=0.008; α12=0.008; α22=0.006; α21=0.005
Your turn
- Draw the isoclines for a pair of species whose interaction coefficients are as follows:
α11=0.002; α12=0.005; α22=0.002; α21=0.007
Recall that the equilibrium points for the two species are:
- Species 1: (N1=1/α11, N2=0) and (N1=0, N2=1/α12)
- Species 2: (N1=0, N2=1/α22) and (N1=1/α21, N2=0)
Possible outcomes in Lotka-Volterra competition
- Both species can coexist
- Each species limits itself more than it limits the other
- More “intra-specific competition” than “inter-specific competition”
- Species 1 wins, while Species 2 is excluded
- Species 2 wins, while Species 1 is excluded
- “It depends”
Semester Project Discussion
In groups of 4, discuss the following:
- What medium do you hope to pursue for your semester project?
- What are some examples of work in this format that you find inspiring?
- What excites you most about this format?
- What do you see as the most challenging barrier to your completing this project?
Coexistence in competitive communities
Photo by Gaurav, of Tejon Ranch in southern California
Why study species coexistence?
- Ecological systems are often incredibly diverse
- But sometimes, they are not – as in the case of species invasion rapidly eroding biodviersity
- So, the question arises: Why can certain species coexist, but others cannot?
Photo by Gaurav, of Tejon Ranch in southern California
How to study coexistence?
- There’s often lots of species coexisting, but we can take a reductionist approach
- Model the dynamics of two species at a time
- Analyze whether the species can coexist at equilibrium
- Graphical analysis using zero-net growth isoclines on Phase Spaces
- Isocline analysis depends only on the values of the four α parameters.
- What does each αij mean?
What supports species coexistence?
- Individuals competes with conspecifics more strongly than with heterospecifics
α11>α21 and α22>α12 ##
If this is true:
α11>α21 and α22>α12
Then, the following is true:
1α11<1α21 and 1α22<1α12
- If coexistence is not possible, three possible outcomes:
- Species 1 always wins
- Species 2 always wins
- Who wins depends on where the population starts
Next week
- Moving on from competitive interactions, to consumer–resource interactions
- Predator-prey
- Plant-herbivore
- Host-parasite
Semester Project Discussion
In groups of 4, discuss the following:
- What medium do you hope to pursue for your semester project?
- What are some examples of work in this format that you find inspiring?
- What excites you most about this format?
- What do you see as the most challenging barrier to your completing this project?